Saturday, March 1, 2008


To me Reference means the foundation or backbone of sources that can be used as a means to answer questions or supplement information.

What is library reference work?

Library reference work is the process the librarian goes through to find the right source for customers inquires. There could be more than one source available for a specific inquiry but the librarian has to decide the appropriate source for the specific customer.

What is the process?

First thing in the process the librarian has to understand the need of the customer in order to come up with the right source. Then, the librarian has to choose the kind of reference tool to use based on his/her knowledge of the reference tools available at the branch.

Once the librarian locates the information needed then she delivers to the customer and mentions the source.


At June 11, 2008 at 11:59 AM , Blogger Honoré said...

Great definition of reference work.


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